
  • The newest member of the Wild Dog metapopulation family | Trappers

    The newest member of the Wild Dog metapopulation family

    Cole du Plessis, KZN Regional Co-ordinator, Carnivore Conservation Programme. Maremani Nature Reserve, which lies at the northern tip of Limpopo and borders Zimbabwe, has recently become the latest reserve to...

    Grant McDonald |

  • We Love Local | Trappers

    We Love Local

    September is Heritage Month, and what better way to celebrate than by supporting those local manufacturers who share our vision:Giving our customers genuine quality outdoor goods. Pop into your nearest...

    Grant McDonald |

  • Cleaning Your Leather Shoes | Trappers

    Cleaning Your Leather Shoes

    To keep your leather and Suede shoes in best condition, follow these tips: CLEANING Maintain your product by cleaning the leather regularly to remove dust and initial dirt. Wipe shoes...

    Grant McDonald |

  • Hiking for beginners | Trappers

    Hiking for beginners

    It's the New Year..Let's go take a hike! The call of big blue skies and fresh breezes makes the outdoors almost impossible to resist, and there's no time like the...

    Grant McDonald |

  • How to pack a sleeping bag | Trappers

    How to pack a sleeping bag

    The best way to pack your sleeping bag? This video will show you how to do it like a pro. Now that you know how, Click here to see our range of...

    Grant McDonald |